光之工作者 Light Workers
Using their spiritual and mental bodies-they become beacons of energy to 'anchor in light to different places on the planet. These places are often the major grid poitns of the planet.
This energy can be used to balance the polarities of the planet - and help move consciousness from third dimension to higher frequencies of light and love.
There are thousands of light workers - their numbers increasing each day.
Light workers often see symbols - or keys - geometry symbols needed to move open the doors between realms or unlock the DNA in human consciousness so those they work with can remember their mission at this time. They can place this light geometry into the planetary grids to unlock them.
They work alone or in groups. They can work on one individual at a time or for with the planetary grid.
They feel a sense of mission - that they have come here for a greater purpose that will help humanity.
They feel guided by spirit - a spirit guide - or entity on the other side of higher light.
Anyone can learn to be a light worker. You just need to come into realize that it is who you are and what you are here to do at this time of human transition of consciousness. 任何一個人通過學習能夠成為一個光工作者。你只需要逐漸認識到你是誰和在這個人類意識轉換時期你在這裡要去做什麼就可以了。
You can learn by mediation in which your spirit guides show you what to do. You can ask you guide to activate your DNA - so you can remember. You can find a teacher or group to study with. You can read books or go to the Internet for answers.
If you feel a need to be a light worker - your soul will guide your journey by synchronicity and has guided you to this file on Crystalinks .