The Way of the Truth
May 2011 message
烏瑞爾天使長透過Jennifer Hoffman傳訊
田安琪翻譯 歡迎轉載
人生就是一個向內在找尋重新與自我神性的真相, 以及神性各個面向的連結
在此神性中 我們是充滿力量的、被愛的、安全的、被支持的、並且是快樂的
一旦停止尋找 真相便能現前
Each lifetime is a search for truth and connection, of re-establishing ourselves within the energy of our divine aspects where we are powerful, loved, secure, supported, and happy. We try to create all of these things as the truth of our lives and it takes many lifetimes before we realize that there is a fundamental truth we have always known but have never accepted, that we already have everything we seek and we already are everything we hope to become. The truth we seek is always in front of us but we cannot see it for a number of reasons, most importantly because we look for the truth in places where we will never find it. And when we stop looking for the truth it appears before us.
真相有許多層面 就像能量有許多層面一般
因此我們展開了療癒的旅程 釋放那障蔽著我們讓真相無法呈現的一切
我們不斷尋找真相 但並不明白物質世界正反映著 我們所投射其中的能量
我們的靈魂群族裡的人們對我們而言不是真相 除非他們把這當成真相
以此為基礎 他們去體驗這世界
There are many levels of truth, just as there are many levels of energy. The truth we want to know is that we are powerful, blessed and loved, so we begin our journey of healing to release everything that blocks us from embodying it. We look for this truth in every situation not realizing that the material world will reflect whatever energy we inject into it because it doesn’t contain its own truth and will never be more to us than we already think and believe we are. The people in our soul groups have no truth for us other than what they know as their truth because each person lives within their own vibration of what they know as the truth, based on what they have experienced in and of the world.
若無法運用更高的 以靈性為基礎的真相去創造
若我們想要知道真相 我們必須創造它 因為我們是我們自己真相的源頭
我們所是的一切成為我們的真實 並成為這世界一部份的真實
簡單來說 我們的真實是我們值得愛、成功、喜悅
並且當我們徹底相信那是真實之時 它們便顯化在物質世界
因為我們相信它 除非改變這事實 不然物質世界不會改變
The foundation of truth that we seek cannot be found in the world because it doesn’t exist unless we create it. The material world will always reflect the truth of the individual and collective energy that creates it and without the application of a higher truth, based in spirit, is incapable of giving us more than what we want and being more than we think we are capable of. If we want to know the truth, we must create it because we are the source of our own truth. What is true for each of us becomes our truth and part of the world’s truth. In simpler terms, the truth that we are worthy of love, success and joy already exists in spirit and manifests in the material world when it is the truth that we totally believe about ourselves. The truth that we do not deserve love, success and joy also becomes true because we believe it and it won’t change until we change our aspect of truth.
舉例而言 當我們想要愛 我們告訴自己我們配得愛 那麼我們就是
但當我們拿著這真相----「我配得愛」 於是要別人讓它成真
(若我們真的知曉我們配得愛 那麼我們不會需要任何人來證明 )
若我們的版本與他人衝突 或者我們要求其中某些他們不想要或不想給的東西
那麼他們將回應這衝突 並且阻礙我們去發現自身與他們之間的真實圓滿
When we try to impose our truth on someone else, or make them responsible for making our truth ‘true’, we are on the path of unfulfilled expectations. When we want love, for example, we tell ourselves that we deserve love, and we do. But when we take this truth “I deserve love” and then look to others to make it true, “I deserve love from you” we are doing two things, approaching our desire for truth from the point of doubt (if we know that we deserve love we don’t need anyone’s validation) and we are making the fulfillment of our truth someone else’s responsibility. Everyone has their own version of truth and if our version is in conflict with theirs or demands something from them that they do not want to or cannot give, then they will respond to the conflict and block us from finding the fulfillment of our truth with them.
若我們從知曉來趨近真相 那麼我們不需要任何人來證實我們的真相
我們知道這事真的 並且這真相在每一刻都是完滿存在的
但當我們有懷疑時 我們便創造出反應懷疑的真相
我們會認為這世界是我們最大的敵人 總與我們作對
不允許我們的夢想圓滿 在我們路程的每一段落都佈下挑戰與障礙
但除了成全我們的真相成真 成全所有在" 真相背後的能量成真 "
凡是我們所認為是真的 它都會以強而有力的「是的!」來回應
There are two ways to approach truth, from the point of knowing or the point of doubt. When we are at the point of knowing we don’t need anyone to validate our truth. We know it’s true and that our truth is being fulfilled in each moment, even if we don’t always see the results right away. But when we have doubt, we create a truth that reflects our doubts and then everything in our life strives to make it true. We think that the world is our biggest enemy and works against us, doesn’t allow for the fulfillment of our dreams and puts challenges and blocks in our way at every turn. But the world doesn’t do anything but make our truth, and all of the energy we have behind it, true. The energy of the world is non-judgmental so whatever we say is true, it just replies with a powerful ‘yes’.
當我們從這肯定的答案趨向真相時 我們便會看到它也反映在所有地方
我們的真相會被證實的 或者會被挑戰
全憑我們" 把自己看成是問題或答案 "
如果我們以問題來進入世界 這世界便單純地以問題來反映我們
若我們以答案來進入世界 那麼這世界便轉換能量成為我們的答案
當我們說「我是」時 設下了一個顯化的意圖
當我們說「我可以嗎?」時是在尋求我們得不到的允許 因為我們不需要它
When we approach the truth from the answer, which always begins with I AM, we see it reflected everywhere. But when we approach it from the question, AM I? we see that reflected everywhere as well. And this is how we have our truth validated or challenged, depending on whether we see ourselves as the question or the answer. If we approach the world with the question, the world’s answer simply reflects our question. If we approach the world with the answer, the world then shifts its energy so it becomes our answer. And there is a greater difference, as saying “I AM” sets our intention for manifestation. “AM I?” asks for permission, which we will not get because we do not need it.
知曉擴張能量 懷疑收縮能量
這就是為什麼以質疑走向真相之路會永遠無法產出 證實我們與確保我們顯化那真相的答案
然而 答案則設下了我們想要成為事實的那個真相的基礎
我們的挑戰是要有勇氣在能夠得到實證前 知曉這答案
我們必須知曉 " 在這世界為我們實證真相之前 我們是最高的真相"
Knowing expands energy while doubting contracts it and energy can never become more than our intention for it. That is why approaching the path of truth as a question will never yield the answer that validates us and ensures us that we can become or manifest that truth. A question will never become more than the question. The answer, however, because it sets the foundation for the truth we want to become our reality, will create the validation we want. The challenge for us is to have the courage to know the answer before we receive the validation – we must know that we are the highest truth before the world will validate the truth for us.
我們能辦到嗎? 我們能沒有懷疑的明白我們已是自己想要的一切嗎?
能沒有懷疑的明白 只要透過知曉我們便能接收到我們想要的答案嗎?
這會是我們必須做的 若我們的真相之旅終將以拓展而非收縮為結果
知曉我們就是共同創造者 我們是自己生命道途的大師
Can we do that? Can we know, without doubt, that we are already everything we want to be and that by knowing we will receive the answers we want? It is what we must do if our journey for truth will result in expansion instead of contraction and we are become the highest expression of our I AM potential and live in our own version of heaven on earth, knowing that we are co-creators, masters of our life path and divine expressions of Creator on earth.