Mastering Time and Embracing the Energy of Love and Support
來自大天使麥可,由Celia Fenn通靈
原文地址 http://spiritlibrary.com/starchild-global/the-new-earth-energies-june-2011
譯者 U2覺醒 歡迎轉載
The Lunar Eclipse of 15th June 2011 and The Activation of the Stonehenge "SuperGalactic" Portal on the Solstice of 21st June 2011
2011年6月15日的月食,以及英國巨石陣的【超級銀河】入口在2011年6月21日 至日接通。
In the last few months, ever since the initiation of the Ninth Wave of the Mayan Calendar, Archangel Michael has been speaking about the concept of becoming a "Master of Time". This is because in this New Reality of Multi-Dimensional Consciousness, we cannot afford to be attached to one Calendar or One way of measuring or creating time. There are many ways of working with the flowing cycles of time and the powerful energies that flow from the Galactic Center and are the engine for Galactic and Planetary Evolution of Consciousness.
The most powerful energies are being found in the Upcoming Total Lunar Eclipse on the 15th of June and the Solstice on the 21st of June 2011. These two Time Markers are guiding Human Consciousness to a new level of Awareness and Connection.
最偉大的能量正在被發現,在即將來臨的6月15日 的月食,以及2011年6月21日 的至日。這兩個時間標記在指導這人類群體意識提升進入到一種覺醒與連接的新水準。
The "Time Flow Program" that I am going to be using to discuss the importance of this event is the New Reality Science of Astronomology...a new way of viewing the Evolution of the Earth and of Humanity through the Stellar Charts of the Heavens, and one that incorporates thirteen houses instead of the twelve of conventional astrology.
【時間流動程式】就是我想要被用在關於這個事件討論的重要點,這個是天體法則的新實相科學。。。一個對於地球進化的嶄新的觀點,以及人類對於星空圖表的新理解,這個包括了13個星座,取代了過去的12個星座。(指的黃道12宮)(關於黃道新13宮的更多資訊請參閱本博客的另外一篇資訊 【銀河朋友】【蒙陶克凱恩】6月5日資訊更新【重要】)
The thirteenth house is called Ophiuchus, and it falls in that area between the end of Scorpio and the beginning of Sagittarius. The name "Ophiuchus" simply means "Serpent Holder" and this Constellation is identified with Healing and the Master Healing Energies, and the Archetypal energies of Aesclepius, Imhotep and the Snake Goddesses! I have to admit a personal interest in this new house, as my own birthdate on December 8 means that I am a native of this thirteenth house and all that it stands for in the New Energies.
這第13個星座稱為【蛇夫座】,它坐落的地點位於天蠍座的尾端和人馬座的前端。【蛇夫座】的名稱意思是【海蛇持有者】,這個星座被視為擁有著治癒和掌握治療的能量,是Aesclepius(希臘神話中的醫者之神)的原型能量,Imhotep(古埃及的神醫)和蛇之女神!我必須容許一個對於這個新的星座的個人愛好,因為我自己的生日就在12月8日 ,意思是我屬於這個星座,而且位於新的能量模式中。
Primarily, Ophiuchus is the energy of Healing and Global Healing, an energy that supports and nourishes and heals. But, it is also interesting that Imhotep was known as a "Master Builder" and Architect, and in some accounts is credited with the design and building of the Great Pyramid. This is of interest because the Total Lunar Eclipse and the Solstice Alignments will be activating the Stonehenge SuperGalactic Portal, or "resetting" the Clock on the Stonehenge Sacred Site to align the Earth with the Galactic Center, and this resetting will be transmitted to all those Sacred Sites that function as the "nodes" of the Planetary Supercomputer, including the Pyramid Complex at Giza, and that will ensure that Planet Earth is perfectly aligned on her Trajectory towards the 2012 alignment with the New Age of Light, which is also called Ascension.
This is certainly a wondrous event and something to celebrate. While the rest of the world my be enveloped in Gloom and Doom and expecting the end of the World, we can see quite clearly that we are perfectly on track for the Galactic and Planetary Rebirth into the New Age of Light that will be completed by the December Solstice Alignment of 2012.
What is most important to me is that Ophiuchus is the energy of Healing and Support, and the energy of Aligning with the Galactic Frequencies. So many people that I speak to or who write to me complain of feeling lack of support on so many levels. Yes, probably because you have been living according to one singular calendar or time cycle technology that completely misses out this energy of healing and support. As we shift into an awareness of the Zodiacal Healer and how these energies work with us, we can channel these energies into our lives in ways that are healing and supportive of our changes.
This is the energy that we have been looking for and waiting for...and it is here to support us in the next phase of our Journey. It really is time to celebrate!
So, let's talk about the Stonehenge significance to these upcoming Celestial and Planetary events. First, let me share an image that was taken of me with my friend Sarupa Shah, at Stonehenge in 2009.
所以,讓我們談談巨石陣的重要性,對於這些即將來臨的天上的和行星層面的事件。首先,讓我分享一副照片,是由我和我的朋友Sarupa Shah一同合影的,在2009年的巨石陣。
At this visit to Stonehenge, which was my second, I was aware of stirrings and activities in the Stonehenge energies. On the previous visit, in 2008, I had found Stonehenge to be particularly quiet, and the friend I was with joked about Stonehenge being a "Galactic Bus Station" that no one was using! You need to understand that Stonehenge is in Crop Circle Country, and that there have been significant Crop Circles in fields right opposite the Henge. So, in 2008, the Bus Station was deserted, in Cosmic Terms, and nobody was hitching a ride! Then, in 2009, on my visit with Sarupa, I noticed a complete change...I could feel Stonehenge "humming" before we even crested the Hill that takes you down into the valley where the Stones are situated. It was "coming on line"in a wonderful way and the Cosmic Bus Station was gearing up to once again receive Cosmic visitors, and to function as a Planetary Frequency Alignment Technology for the Planet.
This coming month, the two spectacular Celestial events focused on Stonehenge will bring the Henge totally into Alignment with the New Time Codes, and will activate these realignments to all Sacred Sites on the New Earth Grid, including the Pyramids in Egypt . It will be a massive Recalibration of the Earth for her New Earth Cosmic Voyage!
TimeShip Earth is allowing us to connect with her Highest and most Beautiful and Healing Frequencies! You are invited to Open your Heart and be Part of this Recalibration, which will be a personal recalibration into the energies of Healing and Support that are archetypally signified by Ophiuchus.
On the 15th of June 2011, the Full Moon will rise over Stonehenge in Total Lunar Eclipse. The Moon will also be just 3 degrees from the Galactic Center , that is, almost in conjunction. At that moment, powerful Lunar and Galactic Light Codes will recalibrate the Divine Feminine energies of the Snake Godessess and the Platinum Ray energies of the Shekinah into the Stonehenge Time Code Frequency Cycles. The Energy of the Great Cosmic Mother, Ma'at, will bring the entire Henge back into Cosmic Balance...and the "Bus Station" will be ready to receive Cosmic Voyagers!
在2011年的6月15日 ,滿月將越過巨石陣從而進入全體月食。月球將只離銀河中心差3度,這表示,差不多與銀河中心完全協調。在那個時刻,月球力量與銀河光的編碼將重新校準這個神聖的,蛇之女神的陰性能量,以及舍姬娜的白金之光進入到巨石陣時間編碼頻率週期。偉大宇宙母神的能量,MA'AT,將帶來整體的變化進入宇宙的平衡狀態。。。並且這個【巴士站】將完全準備好接受宇宙的航行者!
Now, on the Solstice of the 21st June, the Constellation of Ophiuchus once again has a starring role. Here is an image of a Crop Circle image from Wilton Windmill from a few days ago. It shows a Serpent!
現在,在6月21日 的至日,蛇夫座再次擁有一個主要角色。這裏有一個麥田圈的照片,來自幾天前的威爾特郡。它展示出一條海蛇!
According to Astronomologer Donna Provancher, the Serpent is pointed in the direction of Stonehenge, and signifies the union of the Serpent with the "Serpent Holer" at Stonehenge on the 21st of June at the Solstice. The Serpent represents Psychic Power and Energy, and the Serpent Holder is one who can hold these energies and use them for the benefit of Humanity and the Planet!
根據Astronomologer Donna Provancher,大蛇指向巨石陣的方向,意味著大蛇與蛇之持有者的聯合,在6月21日 至日的巨石陣。大蛇代表著精神力量與能量,而這個蛇之持有者是那個能夠持有這些能量的人,使用它們利益整個人類和星球!
The Cosmic Planners on the Higher Dimensions are losing no time on this one! As soon as Stonehenge comes "online" with the new Cosmic Frequencies, those who are open and ready are being given the opportunity to embrace the Serpent Power energies for Personal and Planetary Healing on deep levels. As the "Heart" of Ophiucus rises over Stonehenge on the 21st of June, we are all invited to open our Hearts and become One with the Serpent Holder, to empower ourselves by embracing the Power of our Energy and using it for Deep Healing and Activation.
存在于更高的維度中的宇宙規劃者們就要完成這個!很快巨石陣會【上線】對齊新的宇宙振動,那些【敞開心靈】並且準備好接受這個機會擁抱蛇之能量的人,將在個人與行星層面進行深層次的治療。由於【蛇夫座】的中心將在6月21日 越過巨石陣,我們都被邀請【敞開我們的心靈】並且成為與【蛇之持有者】合一的整體,去授權我們自己,通過擁抱這股本屬於我們的力量並且使用它去進行深層次的治療與啟動。
Those who are ready to become Masters of Time will no doubt celebrate this recalibration and will be ready to "ride" the waves of Cosmic Energy that also make one a "Master of Light Harmonics". For it is this Mastery of Time together with the Mastery of Light Harmonics that makes a Person a citizen of the Cosmos, one who is Aware of the movements of the Celestial Supercomputer and who can ride the Waves of incoming Light with skill and presence of mind, and with strength and courage. Not for nothing have the Indigo children been playing games and watching TV series about Mastering Time and Energy! It is the gift that we are all offered when we can let go of the old disintegrating timelines and move into an awareness of how the many different cycles and frequencies fit together to map our path to the Stars and the Journey of TimeShip Earth.
So, on the 15th of June and the 21st of June, I would encourage you to be a part of these incoming energies by participating in rituals and ceremonies and meditations that will anchor these New Light Codes in our Cosmic Hearts and the Cosmic Heart of the Planet.
因此,在6月15日 和6月21日 ,我將鼓勵你們成為這即將來臨能量的組成部分,通過參與儀式,典禮,和冥想活動,那將描定這些新的光之編碼進入到我們宇宙之心以及行星地球的宇宙之心。