Alchemy of Consciousness
作者:Lady Eleanor (Laurie Gudnason)
譯者:Sophie Huang In the Western world there is a legend about an Alchemist who had the power to turn lead into gold. Through the study of Alchemy we learn there is some truth to this idea, but it goes much deeper than that. Ask yourself what can be more valuable than gold? 在西方世界中,有一個傳說,煉金師是可以把鉛變成黃金的人。透過學習煉金術,我們知道這個認知裡頭有一部分是真的,但它遠比這個說法更深奧。問問你自己,還有什麼會比黃金更珍貴? Alchemy is the magic of Consciousness, and has been made popular today through programs like “The Secret”. A one word definition for alchemy is evolution, which is defined as; “Creating a gradual change from something base or coarse, to something finer and more evolved.” 鍊金術是意識的魔法,而且在今日透過像“The Secret”這樣的節目,它變得普及了。若用一個字定義煉金術,那就是evolution(進化),它的定義是:“創造一個漸進的變化,從某樣基本或粗糙之物,成為更細緻與更成熟的。”
Through the process of alchemical consciousness, an average person, living from an every day “lower” vibrational state can come closer to a divine state, and as a result have all the power of God. This is the “Secret” which is also called “Alchemical Gold!” 透過煉金意識的過程,一個普通人,生活在一個振動頻率“較低”的現實世界,可以變得更趨近於一種神聖的狀態,並且最後會擁有所有神的能力。這就是也被稱為“煉金術之金”的“秘密”!
Many of us yearn to make this transmutation. If you are one of these people, you NEED the teaching of Alchemy in your life. 我們有許多人都渴望達成這種質變。如果你也是其中之一,在你的生活中,你需要煉金術的教導。
Alchemy transforms consciousness and transmutes the body through 12 Steps of Evolution. 煉金術透過十二個進化階段來轉變意識和質變身體。
The first step develops strong, positive self esteem. Self esteem makes higher consciousness possible. 第一個階段是發展強壯、正面的自尊。自尊能夠讓較高意識變得可能。
The second step brings the understanding that we are much more than our self image. We begin to realize that at we are a replica of the divine creator with all the capabilities of the creator. 第二個階段讓我們瞭解,我們不僅僅是我們的自我形象。我們開始理解到,我們是神聖造物者的複製,擁有所有造物者的能力。
Third Step brings the ability to work with “mind power” and the alchemy of creating from thought. Creativity is enhanced and we “feel” we are in touch with the great mysteries. 第三個階段帶來與“心智力量”共同運作的能力,以及以思想創造的煉金術。創造力被加強,我們“感覺”我們與偉大的奧秘有所接觸。
At Fouth Step we can tune into “divine power” at any time. We manifest miracles at this level, but they are limited by errors in judgment and a lack of complete understanding about consciousness. 在第四個階段中,我們可以隨時將頻率與“神聖力量”調整為一致。我們在這個層次中實現奇蹟,但是它們被判斷錯誤以及缺乏對意識的全盤瞭解給限制住。
Fifth Step creates a tremendous vibrational shift and our consciousness is directed toward “seeing the divinity in self and others” about 51% of the time. We become aware that miracles and joy are the natural manifestation of higher consciousness rather than something supernormal. 第五個階段創造一個巨大的振頻的轉移,大約有51%的時間中,我們的意識被導向“在自身與他人身上看見神聖”。 我們覺知到,奇蹟與喜樂是較高意識的自然實現,而非某種超自然的事物。
Sixth Step is the beginning of self mastery. At this level the experience is one of inner joy or bliss. At this level the Alchemist knows they are one with the Creator. 第六階段是自我管理的開始。在這個層級的經驗是內在的喜悅或極樂。在這個層級,煉金師知道他們與造物者是一體的。
Through Seventh Step we find our creative imagination is a true force, for the world shapes itself around our thoughts. We find ourselves placed in our “True Place,” within a profession best suited for our talents, and we find fulfillment and abundance through our work. 透過第七個階段,我們發現我們的創造想像力是一種真實的力量,因為這個世界根據我們的思想而成形。我們發現自己被置於“真實位置”之上,在最適合我們天賦的工作之中,我們透過工作找到圓滿與豐盛。
Eighth Step brings wholeness in mind and body, and the spiritual nature expresses outwardly as a radiant light called the Light Body. In this phase remarkable healing abilities manifest. The gifts of wisdom and understanding enable us to develop a new way of thinking and begin to teach our “Secret”. We prepare our message for humankind at this step. 第八個階段帶來心身的完整,且性靈的內在向外展現成為一道耀眼的光芒,被稱為光體。在這個階段,不可思議的治療能力會被展現。智慧與瞭解的禮物讓我們能夠發展一種新的思考方式,以及開始教導我們的“秘密”。我們在這個階段準備要給人類的訊息。
Ninth Step takes the Alchemist out into the world with the message they developed at 8th Step. Those at this step work to uplift the consciousness of all humankind through their service as teachers and leaders. 第九個階段帶領煉金師走出來,進入這個世界,帶著他們在第八階段準備好的訊息。那些已經在這個階段的人,致力於提昇全體人類的意識,透過身為老師或領導人提供他們的服務。
At Tenth Step the Alchemist has Spiritual Mastery and with that comes clairvoyance, clairaudience, telepathy, and bilocation. The consciousness of an illuminated being radiates thoughout the world. 第十個階段,煉金師擁有Spiritual Mastery,隨之而來的,是靈視、靈聽、心電感應、和同時出現在兩地的能力。一個光之存在者的意識閃耀遍及世界。
Eleventh Step Alchemists have the capacity to travel the dimensions and worlds and work on both sides of the veil helping physical beings and souls to further their evolution. These Alchemists are described as avatars. 第十一個階段,煉金師擁有在不同世界與不同維度中旅行的能力,並且在veil的兩端工作,幫助肉身與靈魂的進化。這些煉金師被描述為avatars(譯注:神的化身)。
Twelfth Step Alchemists are masters of heaven and earth. 第十二個階段,煉金師是天堂與地球的大師。
Through the Alchemy of Consciousness, anyone can come closer to a divine state. This is the “Secret” which is also called “Alchemical Gold!” 透過意識的煉金術,任何人都可以變得更靠近神聖狀態。這是亦被稱為“煉金術之金”的“秘密”!
Alchemy utilizes laboratory experiments, meditation, breathing, exercise, and cognitive training. It is all these things, and it is pure magic. No one really knows how or why Alchemy works. The powerful magic of Alchemical Consciousness can be summed up with the truth of “As above so Below, As the Inner, So the Outer”. 煉金術使用實驗,冥想,呼吸,運動,以及認知訓練。它就是這些東西,並且它是純粹的魔法。沒有人真正知道煉金術究竟是如何作用,以及為甚麼有作用。這個意識煉金術的強大魔法,可以用“在下如在上,在外如在內”這個真理作為總結。
May your Inner life reflect heaven, and your outer life be a manifestation of Heaven on Earth! Happy New Year! 願你們的內在生活反映了天堂,且你們的外在生活是天堂在地球上的彰顯!新年快樂! |