
Why a “Forgiveness Movement”


After studying A Course In Miracles for 25 years, I finally got the message. How many different ways does its author, Jesus, need to say that forgiveness is our only function in the world? And why is it the key element in our remembering what is true? Quite simply it is this: The foundation of our belief, the filter through which all our thinking flows, is the conviction that there is something wrong with us—that we are somehow guilty for something we cannot quite define. The effect of this belief is to generally feel unworthy, constantly strive to improve ourselves and identify who we are with what we do. This establishes an attitude of judgment of ourselves and others, effectively separating us from them. The peace and harmony, the joy and love of our God created union with our brother is lost in the turmoil and confusion that results.


Forgiveness releases the condemnation that guilt has imposed and opens our mind to a way of thinking and seeing that is not dedicated to finding fault. In the most direct way possible it denies that the ego’s unworthy perception is true and offers the peace of acceptance in its place. Since it refuses to condemn, our natural union with one another can be remembered. Because of this, forgiveness is the fundamentally most important thing for us to practice.


Forgiveness is what accomplishes the whole complex business we call awakening. It is the practice of undoing our story that there is something wrong with us. It does take a lot of learning to understand why we think and behave the way we do, but once we have understood this, the way we actually change our beliefs is to make different choices and feel the different emotional feed-back we get from them. It is discovering and appreciating how good we feel when we respond to a loving impulse rather than one motivated by fear and guilt. That is the purpose of forgiveness; responding to someone or to our world in a loving way with an intention of joining with them. Creating a new experience entirely the opposite of our “normal” need to make someone wrong because we didn’t like ourselves very much.


Forgiveness is an attitude that dissolves all our thoughts of something being wrong in the desire just to love. It is the practice of making loving choices to find the freedom and happiness they bring. We have spent lifetimes developing the habit of condemning what is wrong—us—then making up stories that hide the truth about everyone. Practicing forgiveness now takes back our judgment and lets us experience what we had missed before.


What else could be more effective or helpful? The simplicity of seeing this as the “fast track,” to paraphrase what Jesus says, rolled around in my mind for several days. I have understood the teaching of forgiveness for many years so I wondered why I had not seen the power of it this clearly before. I asked. Jesus said it wasn’t a matter of not previously understanding that forgiveness was our function, but what I was feeling here was that we, our consciousness, was now ready to accept that this was true. We were ready now to begin to apply it on a broader scale and allow it to take us Home.


A few days later, I awoke with the image of a billboard in my mind. It said simply, “The Forgiveness Network.” With that image came a myriad of thoughts of what its form was to be: a web site, what the “network” could do, what it could offer in the way of giving and receiving support, sharing forgiveness experiences, and more. I also saw an image of the earth turning gently in space, with pin-points of light radiating outward to show the location of forgiveness “net-workers” willing to witness to what was real in our world. The ideas will continue to unfold as those who want to participate join in and add suggestions. I suspect and hope this will always be true.


The movement of forgiveness has actually been underway since the moment we seemed to “fall asleep” and forget what is true about ourselves. God placed the Holy Spirit in our mind to show us the way to remember, to “awaken” to that truth. The Forgiveness Movement and Network are a way for us to consciously acknowledge the Holy Spirit’s purpose and to pursue it together with conscious intention.


Everyone has an idea now of what forgiveness means to them. The Holy Spirit will use them all to bring about His goal of revealing a forgiven and a peaceful world. ACIM teaches what “real” forgiveness is, and we will look in depth at what that means. But when I think about forgiveness in its simplest form, I am reminded of a line from my favorite Rumi poem:

“Out beyond ideas of right doing and wrong doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.”



If the prospect of this reunion resonates with you, welcome to the Forgiveness Movement.


The world as we know it is a place of great uncertainty. The path we walk through it seems filled with challenges. There are periods of happiness and satisfaction followed by those of grief and pain; moments of beauty and moments of despair. Love is illusive, while fear is easily found. And in the end, the one certainty is that everything dies.


We have come to assume this is simply the way it is, and so spend our time here trying to make a safe haven within the world’s uncertainties, competing with others and the “natural elements” for our share of what we perceive as limited resources. We measure our worth and happiness by how successful we are in our pursuit of these “things.”


There have been teachers in our history who have had insights and revelations that there was a more joyful way to live in the world and taught of how to achieve a more harmonious state of mind.  Through time, some began to learn it was possible to live more in harmony instead of constant opposition to one another.  Our awareness has evolved and opened now to the greater possibility of a brotherhood of man.  One such teacher in our history was a man called “Jesus” who brought us this awareness two thousand years ago, and has extended it to us in a present teaching called A Course In Miracles.  Here he explains how to use forgiveness to “undo” our misperception that there is something wrong with us.


Forgiveness is a way to change your mind and so to change your world. It is learning you cannot change what God created whole and pure by choosing not to judge what a meaningless thought of guilt has made. It shows you that there is peace where only pain was known before. Forgiveness lifts the weight of guilt from every mind it touches and sets it free to love of again.


The Forgiveness Movement as outlined in my book is an application of the principles for awakening to truth as taught in A Course in Miracles. Forgiveness is the process ACIM uses to deny the illusions of our “human” ego perception and to bring to our consciousness an alternative way to “see” and react to the world. It is a means to literally change our experience of the world to a place of peace and joy. The use of what it calls “true forgiveness” is also the means ACIM uses for ultimately enabling us to awaken from our dream of guilt and separateness.


This explanation is not a short cut for studying A Course In Miracles. Without a full understanding of all that it teaches and the daily practice of application, it is not possible to truly forgive in a way that will bring real change to our awareness. I hope these pages are a stimulus to pursue more deeply or begin anew this profound and beautiful teaching


Aside from what I have directly quoted from ACIM, much of what I have written here is what I have learned from my own association with Jesus, the author of the Course. We have been in dialogue since 1989, some of which has been earlier published in 1992, in our book, “Dialogue on Awakening.”


The Forgiveness Movement, as supported by The Forgiveness Network, is a way to join with others while bringing a focus to the principles Jesus teaches in A Course in Miracles by practicing them in our daily lives. But until one has a fuller understanding of what ACIM teaches, the freedom it offers can be misperceived as a way to avoid dealing with pain and suffering, instead of being the means to heal it. Many ask how can you forgive “genocide?” How can you forgive torture, child abuse and starvation? These are questions for which we will suggest an answer that will bring a lasting peace to all the world.


It is the purpose of this book to begin to open our mind to another way of thinking that can end for all time the hatred and suffering in our individual and collective experience.


作者:Tom Carpenter 張紅雲譯.若水審訂

    創作者 Mira 宇宙之愛 的頭像
    Mira 宇宙之愛


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